Links on Galapagos and Ecuador Surf and Travel info
(also few friends links you may like) |
When trying to get a forecast the best way is to check the North or South Pacific animation (North for N. swells, etc) to see the storm size and power. Then, to know more exactly when it will hit our coasts go to the CLOSE UP VERSION, so you can see more closely the head wave fronts arriving to a singular area. Check each spot in our wave map explanation/description on home page for Ecuador mainland or Galapagos Is. for best swell direction, etc. And to correlate all this you can also check (best for local spots & free!) and /or BuoyWeather or Wavewatch links below.

Excellent free forecast BEST SO FAR!
From Scripps Institute CLOSE UP to CEP areas 120 hours (5 DAYS) prediction of area (central eastern pacific CLOSE UP) with animation, be patient is worth the waiting to download animation.
North Pacific Animation storm outlook
Best to look north storm formation
South Pacific animation storm outlook
Best for South swells predictions
Best of both worlds! easy to download, and easy to get the numbers

also another easy way to get numbers

This is the best ecuador site for local Surfing/Surfers updates, comments, and news etc. Great site, only spanish though.

A great site about Mexpipe, Puerto Escondido, Playa Zicatela and more.
Updated photography of breaks almost every day by Lonnie Caruthers ex Nascar pilot.
Non profit Org helping poor kids in surfing areas to start surfing as motivation for schooling. Great idea!

Balsa longboards and guns the best balsa in the world
and the best craftmanship and prices. Check this out!

Great photography website by

Great Surf Clothing from Puerto Escondido beach

Good info for traveling surfers

"D" site for real progressive design in surfboards that flow. Great site with great flicks & design ideas. Check it out.
Guerrant Photography
Great photography work by Jac Guerrant a world traveler. Also great webworks!.
Psych Surf Oldham
check this site for a real progressive surfboard construction & design by Jarrod Oldham. Worth it!

Free online Mag with great shots and articles etc
Birdwatching & Traveling Information for Galapagos and Ecuador |

Probably the best location and place to stay in San Cristobal, great people.

Great contact, guides, info and Hacienda activities on San Cristobal Hills

Not a perfect location, is uphill in Back of town (very quite), but the service, people, rooms, buffet breakfast, for the price. Try to get a room with view of Bay you will be able to check almost all spots but Loberia from Balconies..

Yacht charter partners with Galapagosurf.
Check this site if you want to do a cruise around the island. |
The official tourism site of Ecuador. Very good site now with much information
A very good site to know the main wildlife events and weather happenings in the Galapagos.

Peace and energy at the beach.
Probably the best by the beach & close to the point in Montañita.

Excellent lodging at Ayampe

Very good, affordable & comfortable rooms in Montañita.
A great place to lodge close to San Mateo and San Lorenzo Mainland Ecuador

This is probably the best info Blog on mainland Ecuador.
Must be checked out if planning to come to spend time in our land, First hand experience from an Australian couple living in Ecuador and telling it like it is.

Find Hotels in Europe |

Kapawai Ecolodge & Reserve
Awarded Lodging at the Amazon

"San Agustin del Callo" a great place to be
right by Cotopaxi Volcano made out of Inca Ruins.
Recomended visit at Andes

Great, fantastic place to relax, watch nature, rest, in the warm waters of this termas (A must to visit and stay if you are close by Quito)

Great knowledgable people to take you birdwatching all over Ecuador

Great place also a must of around area to really see Andes as it should be done. Great people!

One of the best places to see
the Amazon

Tropical expeditions in Panama |

A great and detailed site for information for the independent traveler. Great site! a must if planning to come here.

A great place for birdwatching close to Quito

Probably best book ever written on Amazon people. A must for real indigenous culture readers! Author John Perkins
Great Book on
Ecuador´s recipes by
ecuadorian photographer/traveler Cesar Franco |
The best Road Guide |
A nice site to get
your originals Ecuador´s
Hand made Hats |
Great guide for traveling
independently to Galapagos |

Great adventures around de Cotopaxi
If you want to know about Guayaquil City, this is "the site". |
Galapagos , Ecuador & Other good Foundations |

Real actions to real problems

Worldwatch Institute
the best eco-logical state of the world information source


Historical Park of Guayaquil City

Bosque protector Cerro Blanco
"Fundacion Pro-Pueblo" |